2013-10-15 – Statement at Conclusion of Mediation by Defendants & Def. Intervenors

After the conclusion of the thirteen month formal mediation, the Defendants and Defendant Intervenors, Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha Central, through their representatives, issue a statement. This is found as a downloaded PDF attachment below.

Since the mediation itself was conducted under a confidentiality agreement, you will not find details of the content or the process of the mediation in this document. What you will find is the basis for which a formal agreement would have been possible, and remains to be possible in the future.

Kudos to all, in both parties, who invested time, energy and their level sincerity in the attempt to resolve this monumental litigation. Credit also goes to the professional, skilled, experienced and neutral Mediator the parties mutually selected. The mediator first conducted a “convening” at the start to establish the issues, ground rules, a safe/neutral meeting location, and other logistics. In other words, the parties invested in a safe and neutral facilitation process in order to attempt a final resolution — following the highest standards of alternative dispute resolution.

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Mediation Concluded – Defendants and Intervenor Statement 2013-10-15.pdf