DMS 2009 at Ananda Nagar, India

Brothers and sisters


On the occasion of new year’s DMS 2009 at Ananda Nagar, our Revered dada Ac Vishvadevananda Avt addressed the large gathering of Margiis brothers and sisters in DMS Pandal. 

Many Margiis are coming up from different corners of the world and their participation in this Holy spiritual gathering with receptive enthusiasm is unambiguously unforgettable.

 All the Margiis, brothers and sisters are enjoying this tranquil atmosphere at Global Headquarters, Ananda Nagar.

The highlights of the DMS started with 3days Akhanda Kiirtan on 29th December around 02:30 pm organized by SDM Department which was followed by Preparatory meeting of DMS, whereby every Department have taken targets to make this DMS distinctive and to achieve maximum output. During this session, duties were allotted to all Delhi Sector workers and workers who are directly representing from overseas sectors in this DMS.

A large number of devotees in thousands (15 to 20 thousands) were flooding with all their kith and kin from different areas of Delhi Sectors including overseas to participate in this New Year’s DMS.

Today on 30th December, the day started with Paincajanya and Nagar Kiirtan followed by morning collective Sadhana and Svadhaya.

In morning phase of the program, Global Secretaries from all Departments reported six month Consolidated Report from all sectors under the auspicious presence of Rev Ac Vishvadevananda Avt. Departmental Heads took target for coming six months during this session.

In morning span, our Rev Vishvadevananda Avt delivered his converse to inspire with the topic “Shrii Shrii Anandamurti and His Sadhana”. During this deliverance, Rev Ac Vishvadevananda Avt Dada spoke about BABA’s advent as Mahasambhuti, Mahakaola and Sadguru and His Plan to establish Dharma in Society and by doing His method of Sadhana, how a devotee can attain determinate absorption and Indeterminate absorption during the process of the final merging to become one with BA’BA’ Anandamurti.

In the evening of first day, 30th December 2008 there was a memorable enchanting Prabhat Samgiita performance by artist from Kolkata, Delhi, Ananda Nagar children based on Prabhata Samgiita program organized by RAWA under the supervision of Didi Avtk An Gayatri Ac’. Central RU Secy gave vote of thanks to all the participants and artists.

During evening general Pravacana Rev. dada continued his subject of discourse “Shrii Shrii Ananda Murti ji and His Sadhana. He beautifully explained the depth of Sadhana, Mantra chaitanya, Diipani and Samadhi along with many spiritual Shlokas from different scriptures.

Press conference was also held and many reporters interviews the PRS and devotees attending the program.

 Eventually Railway also permitted the trains for their stoppage in Pundag rly station.

In Him
A’carya Nigamananda Avadhu’ta
Public Relations Secretary (Central)
A’nanda Ma’rga Praca’raka Sam’gha
Camp- Ranchi